Sap Oil and Gas Training| Sap Training in London

Variance in temperature has an effect on the quantity of the fuel, HPM deals with this aspect of the Oil and Gas industry. Both in inventory management & also supplier to customer e.g. Oil terminals, storage tanks are in oil terminals, let’s imagine that the morning temperature is 25 degrees and the quantity is 1 million tons, the temperature changes during the day so the quantity increases and it might change back during the night or may even decrease. Temperature readings are normal part of recording the quantity of the oil fuels and HPM module deals with this aspect of the industry. Similar is the situation when supplying to customers, the quantity change has to be taken into account for obvious price purposes. Again HPM deals with this aspect.

Tariff is a form of tax and is usually applicable when there is cross border movement of oil takes place, Duty again a form of tax that is usually applicable when there is movement of oil takes place with in a country. Permits are licenses from the operate with a particular jurisdiction. TDP deals with this aspect of the industry and most emphasis is given to excise in this particular module.

Simply put it is give and take E.g. that there are two companies and they have refineries in different locations, in order to save transportation costs they simply exchange the required material so that they would not have to engage the logistics up to the extent to what they normally will.

Petrol pumps get their fuels from oil terminals, planning, scheduling and eventually the transportation is dealt with by the TD aspect of the software.

Pricing is being addressed and it is generally the crude oil which is the main thing being considered here, as well as the marketing and accounting to some extent Pricing of crude oil is subject to fluctuations, so much be taken into account, Mathematical formulas are being used for this purpose.

Order entry processes Sales order processes Contracts as well as some marketing aspects are being covered in this aspect of the software.

It is a reporting toolMakes the reports on different aspects of the software

Sales to retail outlets is being taken care of in this particular module.

Consignment processes are being recorded in this aspect of the software When movement takes place in bulk through e.g. through pipelines

Planning the supply and the reception of the oil products is being handled by this module of the software E.g. from source to refinery and then from refinery to terminals.

Upstream Topics

When two companies take on the task of exploration and extraction, then the accounting aspect of the venture is dealt with the JVA module of the software.

How the revenue is shared between the JV is dealt with by the PRA module of the software.

The remote logistics being employed between offshore location and onshore location is being dealt with by RLM.

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