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Practical Accountancy Training and Work Experience

Taxation Classes and Course Overview

For the beginners and advanced students, in accounting field there are several taxation classes available and among them some of tax courses are optional and some are included in full study programs.

  • Essential Information

Tax classes may part be of certificates or degree program that prepares students for entry-level positions as a tax preparers or bookkeepers, although separate tax preparation courses available as well. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, most accountants and auditors need at least a bachelor’s degree in business or accounting. Bachelor's and master's programs in accounting with focus on taxation are available for these professionals.

Common courses in certification and degree program in taxation, accounting or bookkeeping include those that concentrate on income taxation and tax planning for individual, associations and organizations. These applications cover government tax rules and IRS tax law. Degree programs commonly include with a taxation emphasis courses that focus on international taxation, residence, gift, local, state taxation, and tax practice.

Taxation classes may include the preparation of mock income taxes returns or the accomplishment of volunteer tax planning work for real clients. Programs in bookkeeping or accounting commonly require additional sessions in financial and managing accounting, accounting software, audit, and financial management and accounting ethics.

  • List of Taxation Classes

    The following are some sample tax classes and their course descriptions.

    • Individual Tax Preparation

      In taxation classes students can learn how to prepare personal taxes. Students learn how to produce a tax return and calculate tax liabilities. Different tax prices, Internal Revenue Service laws and rules, government income tax rules, income calculations, non-profit reductions and alternative minimum taxation are also explored.

    • Income Tax

      In income tax course, our training is designed for people who want a more in-depth understanding of how taxation affect companies and individuals. Students discover how to figure income tax for people, companies and associations. This process has many steps, and learners become familiar with exceptions, adjusted total earnings and investment gains and losses. They also study tax prices, devaluation and accumulation methods.

    • Corporate Tax

      Corporate tax sessions concentrate on the ways tax law applies to organizations. Students understand current tax laws and rules and discover how to handle taxation of residence contributions to organizations, distributed equity to shareholders and business mergers and products. Corporate tax sessions also provide instruction in accumulated earning taxation, liquidations, investment structures, reorganizations, fiscal reports, audit and tax reporting.

    • Estate and Gift Tax

      In residence and gift tax course, learners complete detailed studies of government laws and rules concerning gift taxation and other residence planning techniques. Gift tax codes, government residence laws and rules, annual exceptions, gift splitting and non-profit reductions are also analyzed. Students understand about powers of appointment and gifts, jointly-owned residence issues, marital reductions, insurance coverage proceeds and residence tax attributes.

    • International Tax

      This taxation classes may begin with an overview of U.K. tax law and how it relates to international taxation. Since individual international laws can vary widely, the course typically focuses on inbound and outbound transactions and general tax policies. Students interested in learning all the worldwide tax laws and rules for each country may take an advanced international tax category. Citizen and non-resident taxation, international earned income exclusion, retaining taxation, international tax attributes and tax agreements may also be covered.

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